La Esfera Armilar
Permanent Exhibition & Experimental Archive Video | 2019 - 2021
My roles were Curator, Filmmaker & Assembler
La Esfera Armilar is the winner commemorative monument of Expo92 Sevilla, never really built up. After many trials of raising this Solar System tribute around many cities of the globe, we are now left with a monumental model, both a sculpture and a marquetry masterpiece.

During two years, I documented, helped assemble, and immersed into all sorts of LEA’s archive. Working side by side with Rafael Trénor (Creator of the project) we turned a portion of Llatzaret de Maó — a 400m2 18th century shipyard — into a museographic space. The result is a permanent exhibition narrated with graphic historical records, including a 20’ documentary archive piece.